Characters, Cast & Crew

Adam Leroy Forest -- Our Hero, a Sasquatch adopted as a baby Art Forest -- Father to Adam, school teacher, narrator Elaine Forest -- Mother to Adam, Melly (Melody Anne) Wielson -- Adam's True Love, pretty blond girl Douglas Wielson -- Dad to Melly, genius, free thinker, senex Sally (Rathers) Wielson -- Melly's Mom, movie star Lissandra Cunnings -- Beautiful high school bitch, Adam's obsession Smokey Chesterton -- Country Western musician, alcoholic Earl Chesterton -- Chief of Police in Monroe Felix Sinsley -- Antagonist, killed Adam's mother, ex-Ranger Sarah Sinsley -- Sinsley's Wife, pretty, nice Peter Sinsley -- Sinsley's son, enemy of Adam, loves Melly Pokey Snowchild -- Adam's Indian friend, a fuck-up Stan Garrett Carlton -- Adam's WASP friend, plays baseball. Willy Mason -- WASP friend from school Dave the hippy mailman -- Friends of Family, Naked Lake Professor Rubin Evanzine -- director for IPR IPR -- Great Pacific Northwest Indigenous Primate Research Center at UW deputy Bud -- Fetched Adam's Sasquatch Mother Big George Avery -- Tough biker, Monroe underworld. Marty Rocken -- One of Peter's cronies Lorna Lerwis -- debate teacher at Monroe High Ed Symes -- grade school principal Mr Hough-- junior high teacher Susie Lipsinger -- girl in jr high Joannie Swift -- girl in jr high Morty & Harry -- Thieves Frank Espino -- Guitar teacher in school Ernesto -- Mexican guitar builder, 72 years old Steve Bonneville -- Art's college buddy, guitarist Benny -- Young technician at the IPR biolab at UW Coach Jabe -- Monroe High Coach, dreamed of football glory Gary & Rhonda -- Art's Uncle & Aunt in Seattle, helpful. Greg Leeway -- Hippy "weed freak", teaches foraging course Ed Smart -- manager of Pelosa's Bar & Restaurant Jebediah R. Murgatroid -- Sleazy "Big Fat Man" kidnapped 5 year-old Adam. Si Bintzen --music manager at Pacific Northwest Concert Hall in Seattle Scott Richter --lead singer for rock-band CHROME PIE Miguel deSanto --lead guitarist for CHROME PIE Margaret & Ruth -- Lissandra's lesbian parents Maki Yoshido --Pokey's Japanese-American girl friend
Mayala -- Adam's mother, killed, he is orphaned Dadameh / Dadamet -- ADAM's Nokhon names child/adult Dagrolyt -- Guru friend Magga -- Girl friend Dannat -- old doctor Malla -- Dannat's older woman Mawa -- Dannat's younger woman, Adam's aunt Daseh -- young initiate Dafnat -- fussy Atli fanatic Misma & Myrøla -- Dagrolyt's women Dalangath & Darassath -- 2 local Alutna (cops) Dashonerit --an old man who'd killed a bear Mastinta --Sha-haka-ma witch-teacher to Magga Dazlask --kronoke, exile & dissenter, outlaw Damekh & Mabna --Dagrolyt's students, religious fanatics Dabronat --Dagrolyt's brother, Malasna's man, Masnia's stepfather Malasna --Masnia's mother, Dabronat's woman Masnia --their daughter, hot for Adam but too young Daklakht --Alutna-Jii, super-agent, Adam's Adversary & Masnia's father Dambaraggan --Ayø'ota Ket, Great Orator of Atli Dahassat --Sha-haka teacher at Aket Dabbeh --Masnia's friend, boy age 14 Maseega --Masnia's friend, girl age 12 Dazareh --Masnia's friend, boy age 11 Dakrineh --Masnia's friend, boy age 10 Dalarasseh --takes Dadamet to cave Mazaha, Dabababet and Daworget --follow Adam to Monroe. the THREE ELDERS OF AKET Da-nama-hat --kindly wise old Sha-haka Historian, Adam's friend Da-tobor-hat --accountant of Aket, emotionless, logical Ma-ralla-hata --wicked witch, Alutna chief of police among the ULTIMATE NINE ELDERS OF SHAMBALLAH Dastardet / Da-starda-hat --corrupt ex-Alutna-Jii, now Elder. The Bad Guy.