Chapter Eleven:     Dancing In Hell-Æi

MAGGA dictating, translated & transcribed by Pokey --

First Wife Melli-a has asked me to contribute to this document. She is learning to be an Anthro-sha-haka-ma, and insists that my "unique Nokhon perception" of her culture could be interesting for NokhSo listeners (readers). So here I am, talking into a skesk-microphone to capture permanent echoes, just as we have been doing with Dadamet's myøsik at this time, here in Hell-Æi. Pokey is helping with the concepts most foreign to me and will translate this to English later on. I hope you like it. Whoever you are.

My first perception was: Khask! I could not understand that so many NokhSo people can live in this horrible place they call Hell-Æi. (P: we actually call it LA, but I liked her take on it) It stinks of skesk and unclean oiliness, it is brutally noisy and obviously dangerous, so much (motor) traffic that they cannot pass one another even on those vast tangled Freeways. But the worst was that there were far too many troubled people clustered, while a few others enjoyed great privilege. I could smell desperation all around me.

Yes, I can understand that many people do not always get to choose where they must live, although it does seem that NokSo people have so many more choices than my own Nokhontli. But I suppose one becomes accustomed to their own bakhl, no matter how humble it may be.

Having said that, I loved Venice Beach: the clean breeze in from the sea, the ocean itself so warm and welcoming, the colorful shops and restaurants, the funny freaky people, so much variety, all so interesting. I am learning that this USA is not simply a land of money and machinery, there are wonderful places and people to be discovered here. I was not sure about that for a long while.

Verily, it is not really so long a while that I have been in your NokhSo world. Only two Full Moons have passed (according to Pokey; we Nokhons are not so good at numbering things) and in that time I have mostly been in the Nokhon Nation Project zones, and occasionally visited the (small) town of Monroe. Once in the much bigger Seattle; interesting but frightening. Since we have been on this "Road Trip" I have seen so many more cities and towns than I ever knew could exist and it has become easier to comprehend the NokhSo world.

It goes good now that I can speak more words of your language. Pokey is one of our best teachers. (P: she has to say that because I'm sitting right next to her) Even the Great Orator Dambaraggan has been learning English at our NNP school, also teaching Nokhontli to NokhSos. But I learn fastest and bestest when I and my sisters go into our coven-trances, there we all share our knowledges and learn to understand the "feeling" of words.

But I am intended to talk about how I picture our time in Hell-Æi, after the long trip through USA, so far that the weather got warmer every day because we have traveled over the curve of the planet (yes, I know about that, our Atli mentions it). Then we performed Dadamet's myøsik at that big open bakhl called Bowl of Roses for so many happy NokhSos. It was good to feel how much they liked us, a wonderful experience. Then we went to that extremely strange Studio of the movies Universe, which was funny but completely incomprehensible. I understood nothing. And then to Bo Wassabi's special skesk-studio to make "music videos" of Squatch & Friends.

Oh, that was fun. I and Masnia had enjoyed so much learning to dance. We always feel like moving with the myøsik, but had no skill or knowledge of "technique". This powerful "electric music" is completely new to us, we don't have anything like it in the Nokhon world. And it was really so fantastic, to see how those tiny NokhSo dancers whirled and twirled, their every move leading into the next step in a way that surprised and delighted us. They took our breaths away. Then it was our turn and they liked what we could do. Then all those nice dancers were so happy to show us and help us, so we learned and now we can do something of value to the NokhSo world. You must remember that we have so few skills and talents usable to your society, but now we can be "professional dancers". That is "Life-changing" for us. I enjoy learning all these new word/concepts.

But now we have moved to another part of this so big et-bakhli, our NokhSo sisters call it "Hollywierd". It is not so nice as Venice, people have more problems here, there is so little open nature. We could have stayed at Bo's "parking lot" but there has been some intrigue I do not quite understand, having to do with the usually bizarre NokhSo sex-rites. Bo wished to yøramma with Ma-elli-a, but she refused because of her love for Dadamet. I am not sure I even wish to TRY to understand NokhSo morality-- it seems so complex and perverse. If Bo had asked to yøramma me, of course he would be welcome to, and I love Dadamet just as much as Our First Wife does. Khara, if I did not like Bo at all, I too would refuse. But Ma-elli-a does like him. We all do.

She also likes Mike-- but rejected his offer too. When he plays his guitar I would like to yøramma with him, even though he is so tiny, but he has not offered that to me. But he is still with us, because the band is making more music here in Hollyweird, so anything can happen.

We came here to make more "videos" of Dadamet's songs. I know nothing of the "technology" of all this, but I've had it explained that we are visiting Argent Production Studios because of "CGI Effects" they can do. Also because the male named Sean Argent is a Sha-haka of magical illusions. Pokey says he has made some "fucking brilliant videos" for other bands and will try to do the same for us.

So we had to perform another set of "base tracks" for the 2 songs, then "multi-track" our vocals and instrumentals one at a time, then "mix" them together, the same as at Bo's studio. I believe I am getting the trick of all this now, it seems easier and I can almost sense how the magic works. Now we will begin capturing the moving images with magical skesk devices. Finally I and Masnia can dance again and contribute our own magic to the mix.

When we are not making those videos we explore this part of the city. At first there was very little here that appealed to me. There is food everywhere, but almost always with dead animal flesh and fat in it, or cheese (rotted milk, khask!) or sugar (Elaine has warned us about how bad that is for we Nokhons) and other poisons. There are stores for women, but they have nothing I want-- glittery jewelry that gets lost in my fur, disgusting make-up, stupid-looking clothes, teeny tiny shoes. There are bars with drinks and cigarettes, all smelling bad, blahh.

Oh, one thing I do like: there are "strip clubs" where females are allowed to dance without clothes, I might try that. I love dancing. A nice man even offered me a job for money.

Once I discovered those clubs, I realized that I liked this part of town after all. I knew all about the "sleazy" life of a Big American City because since arriving to USA I have developed one addictive vice: I like to watch "cop-shows" on TV. They fascinate me. Probably because one of my favorite lovers (other than Dadamet) is Daklakht, the Alutna-ji Himself. You could call him a "Chief of Police". He had been training me to be an Atluna-ma (policewoman), so naturally I was interested in how the NokhSos solve crimes and keep the peace. Much more dramatic than Nokhon-style: shoot-outs, car chases, CSI tricks, how fun!

There were many NokhSo Alutna, Policemen, in that area, as if always expecting trouble. They drive around the streets in white cars with blue lights on top, or walk around two males together. The first time two "cops" saw me it was night and one of them pulled out his Noisekiller (pistol)-- he did not know what I was and got scared. But I felt even more scared; I had done nothing wrong, it was only because I look different than little white girls, or black or Asian, and they were not accustomed to meeting a "Bigfoot" on their streets. Lucky I was with Pokey and Maki, who got really mad at those police-- especially Pokey (P: I had some bad experiences in my drunk days) --but Maki told them who we were, then they remembered seeing us on their TVs and said, "Oops, sorry!" Those cops were very embarrassed. But they told the other police about us and we never had any more problems after that.

One night I and Dadamet walked up the hill to that long white "Hollywood sign" we could see from afar, just to look at the big symbols up close. We wanted to find some nature, but it was very bleak and dry, no green anywhere. Although we could look down on the city at night, all the way out to the sea, which was lovely. And we got to yøramma alone for once and in the outdoors. That was nice. It's hard to really do it right in our bus: we get too rough, break things, everything bounces, we make too much noise, scare everyone else.

I asked Dadamet why Ma-elli-a would not offer her marat to our friend Bo when it seemed important to him: had Dadamet forbidden it, or what? He said it was a NokhSo cultural thing, and that she had also refused Mike, the wonderful guitar player, the same thing. Which I already knew. I asked Dadamet why he did not ask Our First Wife to yøramma with both of them just to make everyone happy. He said he would not command her to do it, but had given her permission. But Ma-elli-a was worried that it would make him sad if she loved another man too much, so she refrained.

I had to ask why no NokhSo males wished to yøramma with me, am I too big? He tried to remind me that I had been with several NokhSos at the Ka-rats; like Art and Doug and Pokey (P: hey, I like how big she is); but I said that does not count-- shyøma makes all males crazy for sex with any female. I knew NokhSo males are more horny than Nokhons, who almost can't be bothered if there's no shyøma to make it interesting. Lucky for me Dadamet is a NokhSo in his dakh, he gives all us wives something good every day. But no actual NokhSo male seems to desire me, even tho they all say I am very "sexy". As Ma-elli-a has written earlier, SEXY is still one of those word/concepts still unclear to me.

I and Masnia performed our dances for the videos. But we are so good that our filming was finished by noon, Sean Argent was very satisfied. So then we had nothing more to do. That was sad, because we wanted to dance much more, but they had turned off the music. Then I remembered the "strip club" and told Masnia about it. She got very excited: "Let's go dance there!" she said.

The others were busy finishing mixdowns, so we went just the two of us. I knew the way. We waved at two cops as we passed them, they waved back, everybody welcome in on the street scene. Just like in CSI or Bones. But when we came to the club it was dark inside and smelled bad of tobacco and alcohol and unwashed men, so it scared us a little. But we went inside anyway because we wanted to dance. And how scared should we be of tiny NokhSo males?

A big-bellied male standing at the door said something about a "cover charge", until he saw who-- or rather What --we were. He looked very surprised, did not know what to do, so Masnia moved close to him to let him see how "pretty" she was and he waved us into the club. Outside was day but inside was red-colored night, smoky air, music loud. There was a crowd of males sitting around a stage looking at a naked female swinging around a pole.

It was dark enough that no one noticed us at first, so we too watched the female dance. It looked like fun, swinging and hanging from the pole by one foot. I and Masnia know about poles, they had one at out dancing lessons. But we weren't allowed to use it, they said we were too heavy. I weigh "370+" of those pounds things, I've been told-- what that ever means.

Then a male said, something like, "Woah, now that's a Big Mama!" He was looking at me, so we had been noticed. Then everyone was looking at us, even the dancing female, nobody moving, all their mouths open. They were not accustomed to meeting a Bigfoot in their club.

Two other females came from a door, as did a male bringing in a package of bottles-- beer, I think. They too opened their mouths and stood still. Someone asked, "What ARE they?" Someone else said, "I think they are those Bigfoot people that have come out of the woods-- you know, with that Adam Wassisname, they were on TV..."

"Yes, we are with Adam Leroy Forest," Masnia told them, "that is Magga and I am Masnia." She speaks English better than I.

"What are you doing here?" someone asked.

I pointed to the stage and said, "We want to dance!"

Finally, the naked female slid down from her pole and asked, "What music do you want, honey?"

"Do you have any Abba?" Masnia knows all about NokhSo myøsik.

Very soon we could hear Dancing Queen, turned up loud. I did not know that song so well, but it sounded pretty good. We threw off our clothes and jumped up on the stage. The naked woman jumped out of our way. We got... what you call it... wild?

I had been unwilling to clip my body hair short when Bo's studio folk asked me to. Yes, Masnia had done that upon arriving to USA-- but that was what SHE wanted-- I felt it was undignified: I am not ashamed of being a "Bigfoot", nor did I wish to copy the NokhSo look of a hairless body. But they told me I would be more "sexy" for the video and my hair would grow back again, so I allowed it

Okay, now I understand what "more sexy" means and I like it. All those men in that club desired me, in fact I had to sniff to be certain I was not smelling of shyøma to cause such a reaction, even though the Full Moon was not yet close. But it was the excited dancing that affected them, along with the short hair revealing my female shape-- which does seem to resemble the NokhSo ideal more than most Nokhon females do, even more than Masnia, whom they all consider "elegantly cute". They call me "Really Great Tits & Ass", which is complementary too, I suppose.

Of course, I had no wish to yøramma with any male there; they were all so tiny and weak and sickly disgusting with their beer-bellies and ruined lungs due to the consistently disastrous life-style of hanging around in bars. But that did not matter; they had desired me and for that I was grateful to them.

The females who worked in that bar had another perception of us: as their competition. They allowed us onto their stage for a moment, since we were newcomers and they wanted to be gracious, but then they wanted their scene back. I believe Masnia was quicker to understand that it meant money to them, not something I pay much attention to.

For while we danced those men were tossing paper "dollars" at us, so that the stage floor was littered with them. We have learned what money is for, but we get all we could possibly use from Dadamet, so I did not bother to pick them up. Masnia did, and handed them to the other dancing females, which got some smiles out of them and we were all friends again.

We were both interested in the pole, but uncertain if it could withstand our heaviness. Masnia tried one swing around, it looked good but she could feel that it was going to rip loose if she did more and we did not wish to damage it. We shall have Dadamet make us a special pole someday.

Seeing that we were simply tourists out for some dancing fun, the other female dancers told us tips about "stripping"-- that we were not supposed to throw off all our clothes at first, but in degrees, so that it was more exciting. But we did not really want those males more excited than they were. Some offered us money for sex, but we were hardly interested in either. Some of the drunker males may have been inclined to force us to service them, but even the largest and most belligerent of them were far too small and frail for us to take seriously.

We went back to our home in the bus. When we told the others about our experience they laughed, then said if we really wanted to dance we should all go to a tavern where they play Country & Western Music. We would have to keep our clothes on, but it sounded like fun anyway. So we tried that the next night, but I still prefer dancing without coverings.

Is that enough unique Nokhon perception?

Chapter 12

Adam Into Babylon