Chapter Fifty:     Da-Starda-Hat Gloats


DA-STARDA-HAT narrating April 2--
Translated and transcribed from recorded dictation

This shiny piece of skesk is truly something special: it can preserve my words. The words of ME, Da-starda-hat Himself, shall be made immortal. Rather like the Atli. How wonderful! How necessary!

But the only peoples with the forbidden skesk necessary to hear my immortal words are worthless NokhSos who cannot comprehend a word of Nokhontli. Such a cruel irony. I must get more examples of this skesk, this digital recorder, so that every Nokhon can hear me speak, respect my wisdom, obey my commands. They can learn to worship me.

It almost makes we wish to not destroy ALL of the NokhSo culture in this world, perhaps I must allow a small enclave of technology to survive, to remain existing just to supply me with the skesk I wish to have. It could be a historical monument for the soon-to-be long-lost NokhSo civilization, which had once been quite impressive.

And how fitting to get this device into my hands just as I have conquered all resistance, just as I have defeated every obstacle, so that I can announce my unequivocal victory over... well, over EVERYONE, Nokhon or NokhSo!

And it all simply fell into place: even the experimental phases of my callow youth, every move I've made in all of my life has lead to this victory, even when I had no idea WHY I was doing things. The NokhSo boy I had infected with a syssk simply as an enjoyable cruelty; the failed attempt to possess Daklakht sexually; the loss of Mayala as my sex-slave: all the mistakes I thought I'd made appear to have ended up as instinctive strokes of genius.

No, allow me to be humble: it was not genius, but inescapable DESTINY. When I was confronted by Daklakht, my once-slave and puppet Alutna-jii in Aket, there was a moment when I believed that I had played right into his insidious trap and he was about to end the magnificent wonder that is me with his deadly hands.

I had assumed that I could simply take control of him as I do all others by looking into his eyes and stamping my mental pattern over his; no one has ever resisted my psychic domination. But no, Daklakht shrugged it off and kept coming at me, his murderous intent obvious.

I must admit it: I became afraid. More afraid than ever before in my illustrious life-- and I have lived an adventurous life, having wandered far and alone over this planet, across and between continents, to the faraway hidden Nokhon cities of Jinjada and Chuuka and Aket, always cleverly avoiding the evil NokhSo pestilence that dominates most of this world.

Evidently it was just exactly that fear I needed to Spark My Destiny: I reacted as never before, squeezing my eyes closed, trembling all over, screaming in terror and total abandon-- somehow thus enacting a release of latent psychic abilities magnified to a level that I had never deemed possible. At first it seemed that I had only inadvertently re-infected Daklakht with my same old standard back-up syssk, with which I was perfectly satisfied, since I believed that it saved my life. He really did intend to kill me. It was also extremely satisfying to have my most terrible enemy now become my most useful, most abject slave.

But not even I comprehended the magnitude of the unique psychic event I had instinctively manifested. It took me a day to realize the telepathic connections I had become connected with-- or rather re-connected --for they were all familiar somehow. I was sensing many psychic whisperings without understanding from where they were coming. It was quite confusing, there were so many of them. But eventually I began to recall some familiar voices: of everyone whom I had ever infected with one or more of my syssks, commanding them to do my bidding.

Everyone still alive, that is, since many of my victims have perished due to those syssks. Among the survivors, some of their syssks simply became feeble over time and others dissipated after the command had been obeyed and no longer had any validity. And some subjects have slipped completely free from my enchantment with help from especially adept Sha-haka Elders. You win some, you lose some. But that which has happened now is that Everyone I Have Ever Once Touched with my power is suddenly and simultaneously Back In My Thrall Again, everywhere on this round world.

I admit it: I'm amazed. I didn't know I was SO godlike. Just like Kayiin the Thief, who didn't know he was going to become Da'at-hat and compose the Atli. Ra, that is the level I am at. My title of Ultimate Master no longer does me proud; I must henceforth be entitled ABSOLUTE MASTER.

But now what shall I do with my new-found ability? I'll have to ponder that a bit. I feel compelled to perform a Great Work, but must use my new power wisely, not squander it upon frivolities. Although perhaps I do owe it to myself to have some fun and win this little war my traitorous subjects frivolously dare to wage.

I have been experimenting to ascertain the breadth and depth of my enhanced power and now realize what I wish to do.

Destroy the NokhSo Civilization.

I've always wanted to, I even knew how: as was done to Islands of Atlantis far back in history, as was done to the Kingdom of Mu, even farther back in time. As was unleashed the world-spanning spark-overload (Electro Magnetic Pulse).

But I've always been told that the required knowledge to unleash it has been lost, and that it would require far more Sha-hakas than exist in all the world to empower the Spark Overload once again.

But the knowledge does still exist: I don't have it, but others do-- only parts of it each --and if their minds are telepathically combined together into one great slave mind they could possess the entire set of instructions.

As for the problem of insufficient numbers of adept Sha-hakas to spread around the planet: the unified slave mind would share their knowledge. They need not each be Sha-haka trained, any Nokhon could follow the instructions. Each of their separate slave bodies could be assigned to strategic positions around the world. Of course, those bodies would be consumed by the violent energies flowing through their flesh, but no matter, their deaths will have been worth the glorious result: even more NokhSo deaths.

Once we are ready, I shall simply THINK the command and The NokhSo world shall lose their mastery of the spark, their cities shall burn, their flying skesk-bakhls shall fall from the sky and their race shall become our inferiors once again.

I can't wait: let us begin.

I am now cloistered here in my private chamber, not to be disturbed as I allow the magnificent power of my unique mind to wander far beyond the confines of these caverns, these mountains, this continent, the roundness of the world curving endlessly. My only connection with the physical self is my mouth, so that I can speak my illustrious words to be recorded for forever. I love my new toy, this digital recorder.

It is all coming together, and so easily. I assumed it would take a long while to connect with all those syssks, but it appears to happening by sheer instinct. I am in telepathic contact with every re-infected syssk I have ever generated. It's only one-way; I can sway them but not communicate with them. Which is fine with me, I don't care what they think anyway, only MY wishes matter.

And what I wish is for those I command to implement the Spark-Overload. Yesterday I had neutralized and reset every syssk out there to adhere to a new set of demands: to spread their individual host-bodies around to where each of them can best be utilized to channel the electro-magnetic field of the world into a flow-pattern that will facilitate conditions necessary for all of the spark-skesk (electrical technology) of the NokhSo civilization for many years to come. [this was a bitch to translate--Adam]

I noticed that there seem to be a select few native NokhSos serving me in the area close to Aket. They must be remnants of some experiments I attempted while dealing with the ill-conceived Negotiator Project. I deem it amusing that they too can be instrumental in the destruction of their own cities and the end of their ruthless domination of my world.

It is an effort to assemble the entire set of rituals necessary to effect the Spark Overload on a planetary level, some of those Elder Sha-hakas who do possess a share of the knowledge I need to access are almost as realized as I. Two of them are here in Shamballah, them I can hand to my soldiers and interrogate them the good old-fashioned way, but that difficult Elder in Aket may be a problem yet.

Then again, so instinctively intelligent am I that I can probably create my own ritual when I get enough parts in place and enough magnetic flow going. Already that flow is building in speed and intensity; I think that by morning's light it will be ready to work.

Oh, I can feel it, the world is wobbling, the sky burns green, the aurora shimmers. Soon, soon...

...what is that? Who dares disturb me now? Guard!!


Yep, it's me, all righty.

Die, insect, no one can resist my psychic dominatio...


[Or boom, whichever best sounds like an old Colt .45 pistol being fired in an underground chamber, followed by a muffled thump of a body hitting the granite floor]

[footsteps coming closer, stopping].

Tarnation, that wuz a purty good shot. Right twixt the eyes.

[click of recorder being turned off]

Chapter 51

Adam Into Babylon