Chapter Eighty Six:     EXIT

Hacienda, Monroe, Washington -- Monday, 22 June
ART bowing out for now

After those dramatic days and dangers on the other side of USA, the kids are now on their way to Columbus, Ohio for their next concert. From there they'll go on to Louisville, St Louis, Nashville, etc. They've got a long way to go yet, it'll be mid-August before they make it on home. Good luck to them.

Over here, on this side of America, we have received three solid offers from major Hollywood studios in the last few days, expressing interest in adapting our Adam out of Eden story into a movie. None of them were concerned about whether it was True or Not, in fact they relished the ambiguity and mystery for the hype it generated. As far as any of them were concerned, AooE had everything they needed for a blockbuster film. They are probably also assuming that production costs could be advantageous because there would be no need for expensive computer-effects or prosthetic make-up, since they could simply film real-live Sasquatches in spectacular raw nature.

Adam is interested, but remains calm. "We really can't go into Aket or Shamballah with a human film crew, that would never be allowed." To which Masnia responded, "No, we'd have to train a Nokhon film crew."

Another problem Adam considered significant was that most squatches are not especially photogenic, they're shaggy and could be considered ugly. Masnia and Magga, however, are both considered pretty and sexy to humans, but only because they trim their body hair short, revealing their nice feminine shapes. And they style their head hair long or short, for how it looks. Most Nokhons --male or female-- never consider how they look: they're just a sloppy heap of long shaggy hair, all split ends and no glossy shampoo-shine whatsoever. Combs or brushes do not exist in the squatch world, they are forbidden skesk. To make squatches Hollywood-friendly one would have to violate Atli, tamper with their culture, and make grooming a priority.

He saw no problem with filming a kha-rat or other sex-scenes, since squatches are so shaggy and hairy that you can't really see anything that can be considered hard porn. Any Naked Lake scenes of normal humans could be presented as innocent nudity, which audiences were accustomed to by now, especially if sanitized by prudent camera angles, close-ups and judicious scene-cropping.

A positive development in our efforts to integrate Nokhons into Western Civilization: our young almost-teen-aged ward Roberto, Americanized to Bobby as he’s now enrolled at Monroe High School, has arranged for his best friend Dalarbart to accompany him into American academia. Monroe High is already world-famous for having allowed one Bigfoot to study and graduate there, our own Adam of course, so they are willing to take a chance with the next. Actually, it’s great PR for them and they know it.

Dalarbart, henceforth to be addressed as “Bart”, seems to be about 15 years old (educated guess) and has become fluent enough in English to start learning how to be an American citizen. He cannot read, any more than Adam could, but he has Bobby to read for him, just as Melly always did for Adam.

The staff of Monroe High is sympathetic to the project, planning to assist him as they would any dyslexic human student. It is doubtful that he will have Adam’s phonographic memory, Bart was not bred to be an Orator, so learning may be more difficult for him. Just like for all the rest of us. But we may as well give it a try.

Isn't this the whole point of the Nokhon Nation Project, the future we are working toward?

Anywaaay, now is perhaps a good point to end this chronicle. Sure, we could continue on following the concert tour, detailing every stop over the entire USA, but occurring the risk of boring our reader with tedious repetition. Or we could continue on until September, closing this document with the logical symmetry of a calendar year, which is just as arbitrary as any randomly enforced amount of pages. Instead, this feels like a natural moment to end this book, offering satisfactory resolutions to several plot lines and dramatic situations. Considering those offers from Hollywood, this would be a perfect exit for a "feel good" adventure movie. Or is this a RomCom?

We shall, of course, probably continue the chronicling of our involvements, whether we offer them to the public (you) or not. For us the story is hardly ending, after all it's only Monday.

a note from Adam:
while I'm merrily revealing secret plans, I may as well admit that the "leaking" of the AooE document was strategic. No, it wasn't hacked by nasty web-pirates; we did it ourselves. Yes, we uploaded the aooe.txt file to a dummy web site and sent an anonymous e-mail with the URL link to our old friends at the National Inquisitor and Holtz Lumber. So they had access to the file but deliberately allowed them no permission to send it further, which they did anyway, as we had assumed they would. We figured they deserved it for all their years of scandal-mongering and ruthless invasions of our privacy.

We held a Hacienda meeting, all of us who have contributed to the Document over the years, discussed the pros and cons of releasing it and decided to do so. We all knew that the most secret details of our lives would eventually become known anyway, and thought it best for us to control the narrative.

Shyøma, kha-rat orgies, telepathic governments, the secret existences of Aket and Shamballah, all sensitive concepts that can change the world. But the world is not ready for those ideas. So we have to prepare the way by presenting the truths as details of a fabulous fiction, giving people time to become acquainted with the concepts, first as escapist fantasy, later on as a ho-hum reality. Just as science-fiction has revealed potential futures that we are already familiar with. We could present the Document as a novel, or a movie, or theater-piece, dovetail it in with our music, videos and songs. Maybe we can even make some money on the side.

We have discussed the effect shyøma will have, some fearing that it may be just too dangerous to ever release upon the world. But think of how dangerous this world already is with cruel racism, police brutality, crimes of passion, ecological idiocy and destructiveness of all-out warfare-- problems that essentially do not exist in the Nokhon world. Well, somebody's got to change this world. so here goes....

A Final Scene