GLOSSARY of the Nokhontli Language


Ha : I, me                        Hahatli : we (plural)
Ahat : you                        Ahatli : You (plural)
Dake : he, him, the man           Daketli : they, them (male)
Make : she, her, the woman        Maketli : they, them (female)
Noke : person                     Nokeli : people
H'o : it   H'o-sba : this         H'o-kro : that
La : self   Ahatla : yourself     Hala : myself
Bø : other

NOUNS Nokhontli : Pure Men (man-pure-plural), the Sasquatch Race NokhSoli : Impure Men, all other human races personal titles Sha-haka : shaman, sorceror Sha-haka-ma : sorceress, witch Dwayarat : teacher, guru Datat : master, leader, stepfather Ayø'øta : Orator, Speaker Skyøma : fool, idiot Alutna : lawman, cop Da'a : sir (polite) Ma'a : madam (polite) Ya'yotopat/Ya'yotopaa : chosen mate impersonal Da : male, the sun (Da Ket) Ma : female, the moon Ah : child, the earth Mamara : mother Marat : vagina Dadahk : father (biological) Dahk : penis Danat : stepfather, mother's mate Ranoke : friend (good person) cultural Atli : rules, The Law, the religion Bnema : knowing self, enlightened person Alutnat : police department DyøKet : Elder, a ruling Sha-haka Bwat Ket : The Three Elders, rulers at Aket Bwamakaka DyøKetli : The Ultimate Nine Elders of Shamballah Kha-rat : congregation, ceremony, orgy Mlønoli : community, society, tribe Nokhontli : Language of the Nokhontli Gla'absa : an appointment Kronoke: an excile or outcast Tli : a language, or those who speak it places Aket : Nokhon "capital city" in a cavern Bakhl : home, shelter, sleeping place Nlewt : place Amrod : mountain Ken : home grounds, where bakhl is A : center, central place Et-Bakhli : city, town Shamballah : Nokhon Capital in Himalayas Chuuka : Nokhon city in ??? Jinjada : Nokhon city in ??? forces Sha : light Sha-ha : fire At-sha : lightning, electricity Sho : sound Shyøm : smell Shyøma : female sex-scent charged with pheromenes Shyømat : male musk scent, much weaker Ys : dark Haka : power, magic, energy flow of life A'at : life, spirit Skesk : evil technology Ya-yo-dwe : love A'sharesk : illusion, false sight Dwa : word, language Skay'tarrat ; trouble, problem Syssk : evil spirit, demon, a psychosis food & drink O'o : food Se : water Khos : a drug Ota : an edible root Omun : mushroom stuff Se'a : blood Pø : shit Sebl : ice time Klys : night Kloda : day Kløma : month (moon-period) Ma-mløt-klys : full moon night creatures Kinoke : bear Rahma : good spirit, angel Ayøwa : fantasy Ahaka : spirit Ahaka-wo : astral projection Yøsa : zombie Sakili: deer things Stin : thing Steesa : tree Stah : rock Stah-etrattel : mountain Zaabl : trail, path Ka'aga'abath : plaza, town square (in Aket)
ADJECTIVES Mløt : full, all, whole, complete Mløsk : empty, hollow, worthless Et : great, large, big Ehm : small, little Etra : more Etratta : most Ehmra :less Ehmranna : least -li :plural (suffix) On : pure, clean So : foul, impure Re : real, true, authentic, honest Resk: false, artificial Rame : always, ever Gno : young Djø : old Da : male Ma : female Ra'khra : good, positive, affirmative Skosk : bad, negative Ya'yøt, Ya'yøa : beloved, dear (M/F) Ra'ashara : beautiful Sko'shask : ugly A'at : alive, living, life Ø'øt : dead, death Bwali : many, much, very Bwask : few, slight Bwaskog : none, never Lita : all, every Yakro : up, reach Yø : down, dropped Shtes : amazing, surprise, paradox Shtessaka! : crazy Ragno : cute Skedha : danger, beware! Ø'skogome : forbidden Ka'ag : flat
VERBS conjugations do not exist in Nokhontli, tenses expressed by gesture and inflection E' : (to) be E'e : it is, they are, that is Ø'ø : (to) do ø : the doing of some thing Wo : come, go, move Wo-sba : come here Wo'kro : go there Wo'ha : run A'sha : see, look Ashog : hear, listen Yabenne : (to) thank Yabenne-wah! : Thanks, thank you Yøm : smell Yøl : taste Yø : touch, feel Yaws : find Ya : want, desire, crave Ya'yø : love --my love, baby, honey Ya'yoto : choose (a lover) Ya'yotopat/Ya'yotopaa : chosen mate Ya'handah : welcome Ha ya'handarha ahat(li). I welcome you (pl). Øyø : play Wø'ø : work, concentrate Ayara : know, be certain, Ayaratat :understand, comprehend Mm : like, enjoy We : think, plan Wya : think, believe, feel that Ome : can, may, possibly Yoto : must, need to Ebne : have, possess Yøramma : have sex, fuck Yøwo'ø : fight, wrestle, contest O : eat Ewyø : sleep Awø : say, speak, sing Nø : try, attempt Thø : learn : : Trob : stop, stay Rhø : wait Dosh finish, end Karang hurt, harm Karangar attack Wobwandel : meet, join, converge
ADVERBS Ra : yes, affirmative Ra'kha : yes indeed Sk : no, not, negative Skog : not, don't, negative Rask : maybe, perhaps so Skra : maybe, perhaps not Tyø? : how? what? interrogative Ta : of, from (mate of) Na : by, for (child of) Sba : here, at, in Kro : there, to, out Tla : back, return -dwe : like (-ness) Yr : and Bnø : or Gw : but, rather, except Ke : the, definite article -Ket : The Great.. Ka : The one who is, That which is He : a, an, indefinite article -Het : a great.. Kl'sba : now Kl'sba-tla : soon Kl'ro : then Ske'dha : danger, beware Krosba : between Mea : with Mesk : without
CONJUNCTIONS Kashaamph : although, despite the fact
INTERJECTIONS Kha! : hail, hey, hi, greeting Khask! : hey, negative, oh no! Khara! : hey, positive, all right! Pø! : oh shit! Gunkh! : Oops! Skii'ens! : sorry! apologies! Skogsho! : silence! shut up! Dj'iess! : exclamation, of course! wow! Adam's "jeez!" Ta'ash! : good-bye, farewell Pø'tahh! : Asshole (shit-face) Ø'ø'e'rah! : Be nice! (#1 rule of Atli) Ta'ø'e'rah! : to be nice, please.
ROOT PHONEMES nokh- : people, race Nokhontli : Sasquatch race NokhSo : human race da- : male, masculine gender, solar Dake : man, him Da Ket : the sun -ket : The, great, important ma- : female, feminine, lunar Make : she, woman Ma-mløt-klys : night of the Full Moon ra'- : positive Ra'kha : yes Ra'shara : beautiful sk- : negative Skog : no Skesk : evil, technology Syssk : demon bn- : neutral Bne : neutral condition Bnat : fate -ø- : do Yø : touch Ø-skog : forbidden Øyø : play -øta : do-er (one who does a function) o- : food Ota : edible root Omun : mushroom ki- : animal Kirl : insects Kis : fish Kin : bird Kili : animals t- : plant Tosa : grass Tiga : bush Torda : tree bl- : mineral sh- : energy Sha : light Sha'ha : fire s- : fluids Se : water Se'a : blood kl- : time Klys : night Kloda : day Kløma : month -hm : diminutive, child, uninitiated Dakhe'eh : little man Dadameh : boy-Adam-baby -t : increase, greatens, respect Bwat Ket : The Three Dadamet : Sir d'Adam
PHRASES Ya-ha o. : I want to eat. Yoto-ha ewyø. : I must sleep. Tyø-ya ahat? : What do you want? Tyø-ahat? : Who are you? Tyø-kro wo ahat? : Where are you going? Ahat-wo! : Let's go! Ha wo tla! : I'll be back. Wo bakhl! : Go home/Let's go home! Ta'ash, ka'sb-tli-kha! : Goodbye, see you soon! (soon-hello) O'o yaws-ahat ome. : May you find food. (blessing) Kha! : Greetings! Skosk e'e! : That's bad! Skog, skog! : No, stop! or Don't do that! Ra'khra e'e. : That's good. Re, noke! : Really, man! Ø'skogome e'e! : That is forbidden! Hahatli wobwande Aket-zaabl. : We meet on the trail (to/from) Aket. Ayara-ahatli e'ha sba mea Nokhontli. : You all know that I have been with the sasquatches. Dadamet ebne skay'tarrat! : Adam has/is-in trouble/problem! Ahat ayara ka? : You know that?/! Ha ø'ø (skog) ayaratat. : I (don't) understand. Ha ya'yoto ahat! : I CHOOSE you! (a mate) Ha mm-kro wo'ha! : I Like To Run! (the song) Skog karang dake/ha: . Don't hurt him/me.
NUMBERS Bwa : finger, number, one / Maka : hand, 5 / Bwaskog : none, zero 1: Bwa 2: Bwaba 3: Bwata 4: Bwaka 5: Bwamaka 6: Bwamakabwa 7: Bwamakaba 8: Bwamakata 9: Bwamakaka 10: Bwabamak 20: Bwakamak