Originally published as a graphic novel in trilogy form anno 1997, AQ is back once again--as a WEB COMIC in this incarnation. But also as real-life hold-in-your-hand POD comic books. "Publish On Demand" being a modern digital printing technique.
A two-page spread is posted every day, in the tradition of a good old-fashioned newspaper comic strip. One advantage of being online, however, is that you can always click to the backlog and catch up on everything you've missed so far. AQ is almost 900 pages long, so it will run for about a year and a half. And in the tradition of good old-fashioned paper comic books, each of the 20 Chapters/Books will be available for purchase after having been posted online, published by Ka-Blam Digital Printing.
![]() ![]() Then I had a veritable stroke of genius (ripped off from Alan Moore, of course): new and original short stories--text, not comix--written to fit into the time frame of each issue! All those little sidelines I never had room for in the original graphic novel, peripheral characters telling their stories-within-stories. I could even illustrate them. I mean, how much work could that be, right? Well, I'm finding out how much work it is: lotsa. But I'm also enthusiastic about being back inside the AQ Universe, so do tend to get carried away. I started with a simple story about Padre Giorgio for Book 2, a cute little 4-page vignette. It was pretty easy--hey, I can do this. Actually, the hardest part was to compress words and pictures into the limited space. Especially once I get rolling on an idea--the last 12-page GHOST'S STORY turned into 40 pages of text with about 14 illustrations, so I had to serialize it.
Below are examples of some of the illustrations I've done for those stories so far.