
...the baby Juno shining and floating and spinning with her arms outstretched, a tiny gyroscopic Christ-figure: eyes still closed, but mouth opened, from which resounded a very deep very cosmic voice:

"Happy New Century, People of Earth. The People of Jupiter send you all a blessing in this child named Juno; who is Our Link With You. Treasure her as we do, and she will become your own geatest treasure.

We are aware that you of Earth consider us of Jupiter absolutely alien in nature from yourselves. Which is quite understandable since each of you is an individual entity contained in one physical body, while "we" exist only as vast gatherings of separate and interchangeable beings. Our "bodies" composed of herds and schools and swarms of different creatures and different species, our "intelligence" the organized collating of data and memories from billions of individual brains, and our "personality" the collective buzzing of a swarm-- we must really seem like freaks to you.

What could Jupitarians and Humans have in common? Well, let Juno show you.

Salutations from your brothers in Jupiter.

Well that was weird, like some "message from our sponsor", or... now her spin is slowing down, although she's still floating...there, she's stopped. Stopped just hanging there in mid-air, a tiny crucifix. This is very dramatic, nobody is moving, or saying anything...except me, of course. Maybe I should shut up too...

No, wait, ohmygawd-- her eyes just snapped open... BUT NOW THEY ARE SUNS INSTEAD OF EYES!

(Juno speaks) "Look and see."

Everyone on the planet Earth agrees that they shared the same experience at the exact moment of New Year 2200. Even those who were not watching the vidicasts of the Alexandre party, probably yourself as well. We were suddenly all there--mentally, in spirit-- INSIDE that little girl, floating in the air. And we could SEE.

We could see radio waves, gravity currents, the curvature of space. We could see that everything was connected in the flow of a perfect wireless system, each of us with everyone else, with the world, with the sun, with the planets, with the Jupiterians...

We heard Juno whisper, "Now look within."

Then we plunged deep into our own bodies, to the cellular level, where we experienced being one of our own cells, living in a world of muscle fiber among all the others like us. Aware that we had a certain degree of individual consciousness and instinctive function, but not understanding what kind of thing we were part of, except that it was BIG. We moved on to experience being lung cells, lymph cells, brain cells.

Our perception expanded to include myriads of other organisms inhabiting that world: seemingly gigantic bugs, germs, bacteria, virii, sliding and crawling crawling in and out of our bodies, jungles full of monsters living in our eyelashes. All of this is part of us, our bodies just as modular as Jupiterians. As for interchangeable parts: those who discovered any potential sickness or cancer in their bodies also saw how to flip over an allele in their DNA to correct their biosystem.

All the while, Juno was our guide, "As you see, we all function as elements of progressively greater beings, such as our very own Human Spirit " (many of us saw an image of Christ or Buddha), "and how that is connected with Jupiterians" (we saw Xenolotle) "all part of the collective Solar Entity (the sun with tendrils reaching out everywhere). Which is in turn a cell of the Galactic Entity. It doesn't end there, in fact, it doesn't end anywhere.

"Sounds like Big Stuff," she told us, "but try to keep things in perspective: you are tempted to conceptualize such entities as omniscient all-powerful Gods, but really, they are only modular beings composed of us. You don't need to worship those Entities any more than the cells of your body are required to worship you. All you need to do is comprehend the connections. Thank you."

And then the tour was over, we were each back in whatever place we had been. Except that everything was changed now.

Oh God, that was...hey, I'm back. Looks like we're all back. And Juno too...her eyes are closed again, she's sinking into her mother's arms, coming out of the trance, her glow is pretty much faded away now...

Okay, Mama Marucia is holding her baby very tightly. We're all hypnotized by her, quite stunned really...well, yeah,what else?

Except for little Juno. She opens her eyes, looks up at Marucia and Niels beside her, and speaks:

"I don't want to go to bed yet. I want to stay up for the New Century party with you all. Ple-e-ease, Mommy and Daddy?"

Silence. All over the world. Then laughter, merriment.

Niels says, "It's just after Midnight, Juno. It is the 23rd Century already."

"But you're all so quiet! You're supposed to celebrate!"

Marucia laughed, "She's right! Come on everyone, let's say the magic words!"

And we all knew somehow that it really would be a "Happy New Century".


well, that was THE PROPER END.

Although if you're desperate for alternatives,
EXCESS can also be had...