REPORT 3: the 2nd
The First Message was 112 hours (4.6 days) of data,
repeatedly transmitted from 11 August 2098 until 28 April 2143,
without variation for just under 45 years, and then it just
1 May 2143. After 3 days of silence commenced the Second
of The Message from Jupiter. Millions of monitors were tuned to
that frequency, billions of people tensly waiting, wondering why
The Message had stopped transmission after 45 years of constant
Suddenly text began to unroll across the screens all over the
Earth. It was in Universal Digitese, which any computer could
translate into a local language.
Greetings to the peoples of Earth from the peoples of Jupiter.
We have been observing your progress in comprehending and
applying the data we have bequeathed you and are satisfied. So
we will now initiate the Second Phase of Contact.
You wish to know about us, your quest for knowledge is
admirable, and perhaps we can be as entertaining for you
as you have been for us.
Some of your assumptions and speculations about us have
been quite accurate, those taking into consideration the
physical conditions of a Gas Giant planet. Other guesses about us have been way off and a
source of vast amusement to us, thank you. We have also enjoyed
your own television programming very much, again we thank you.
We are not like you. You are a very tiny people, you live
in a very quick time-frame, you dwell upon a surface and are
subject to gravity. You also have tiny individual
personalities permanently installed in your integral
bodies, which we find quite interesting and
We are Composite Symbiotic Entities, clusters of interchangeable
modular beings, and our "personalities" are therefore in
constant flux, depending upon our current configurations.
We are also very large in relation to you: We who send, are
probably about the size of that island you call "Great
"We also live in a slower time-frame"; in the time We have
formulated that phrase, 4 of your days have gone by.
Of course, we are not crippled by the heavy gravity of our planet,
but float and sail through the Jupitarian atmosphere, much as your whales
swim in your seas- There is no usable planetary surface here, only levels of
atmosphere becoming thicker and denser as one descends.
We have no technology, but are naturally equipped to
manipulate the available energy around us. Thus can we send you
this radio-wave message. Thus have we colonized two of the other Gas
Giants: Saturn and Uranus. (Neptune is too cold.)
But now we need to transport some of us to a Gas Giant in
another Star System, where a race of our people need our help.
We cannot do this alone: we need your hands-on technology. You see,
we of this Solar System are destined to form a symbiosis
that will take us to the stars together.
The Jupiterian, who became known as "Sender", told of how the
Jupiterians lived, their history, their wars, their complex 3-way
sex life and matriarchal culture, their heroes and villains,
myths, adventures, explorations, colonizations--and the people of
Earth became fans. The series was a hit. The 2nd Phase was 89
hours (3.7 days) long, and then it began to repeat.

In 2155, 57 years after the 1st Message, 12 years after the 2nd,
the Jupiterians sent The Invitation:
Phase 4 Contact. We invite an envoy of two Earth people,
one man and one woman, to come to Jupiter and physically
meet with us.
We will appoint the couple when the time comes. First you
must build a ship which can tolerate Jupiterian conditions,
using MEST applications in a new way. Instruction
We request that it be ready by March of 2166.
The Instructions that followed were plans for a space ship of
very special format, hundreds of hours of scientific data which
again provided technical breakthroughs. The ship was built at
SpaceCity. It took all 11 years to iron out the bugs, for it was
a complex device which no one quite understood. Perhaps not even
the Jupiterians, for it became rather evident that all of this
data was theoretic, that they had never themselves tried to build
a ship of this kind, nor design it for human usage.
In 2163 the Invitation was completed:
We hereby appoint the two humans whom we wish may be your
The man: Niels Tordenskjold,
citizen of Denmark, WorldPersonNumber
The woman: Marucia Alexandre,
citizen of Brazil, WorldPersonNumber
They may descend into our Atmosphere March 21,
There will be a beacon of Solar light, follow that into the
upper atmosphere. Then, if they will please allow us to
take remote control of their ship. we will guide them safely in to
us. Thank you.
And the Messages ended. All of them. Jupiter was silent.
But the MEDIA BLITZ had just begun.