October '97

Last night was Kultur Nat in København: once a year the city has
an arrangement when all the museums, libraries, theaters, and the
government HQ itself are open for free access from 6:00 in the
evening until midnight.  

Marianne & I ate in our favorite local Pakistani Resturant, met 
some friends at Cafe Sommersko for a cappuchino, then wandered 
on just us two because it's too hard to be in a big group.  Well, 
we ended up in a big group anyway: everybody in København was 
out on the streets.  

We tried to go into Thorvaldsens Museum but the lines were too 
long, then Folketinget--the Danish Parlaiment--but ditto.  We 
finally pressed into the National Museum for an exhibition on 
"the missing link" with robots animating the displays, but there 
was almost no air left to breathe, there were so many people. 

Outside it was drizzling very slightly, no one took notice of
that, it was actually quite warm.  There was a Free Film in front
of Folketinget, "Pulp Fiction", so people were standing in the
drizzle having a great time.  

Finally we dared the line to Folketinget and came into the grand 
old building which corresponds to The White House.  One of the 
famous politicians, Uffe Elleman Jensen, ducked out the door past 
us as we entered--he'd had enough of sitting on his roost and 
wanted to go out on Kultur Nat just like the rest of us.  Anyway, 
it was very "hyggeligt" in there (which means cozy), we went down 
to the "Snapsetinget" where the important people meet and have a 
"Snaps" or a pint or two, and around to the meeting salons where 
the various parties discuss politics during the daylight hours.  
There were lots of faces we see on TV every day, but then Denmark 
is not USA, and looking out the window we could see over to our 
apartment, 3 blocks away.  As I said, "hyggeligt".  

After a few more stops, we went home at midnight-- we could hear 
that for many people the night was just shifting into 2nd gear, 
but we old farts were quite satisfied.  I mean, how much culture 
can you really take?
