"Gee, Doctor Peace, how come your Time Machine keeps on breaking
down?" I had to ask. For there we were, stuck in time again.
Doctor Peace, eminent scientist and semi-retired superhero, looked
at me from across the control panel, more amused than irritated at
our situation. He chuckled and said, "Well, Hippy,"--that's my
name, by the way, "it's all very simple: temporal radiovibration
exists in polylinear/multilevel spherebonds of unpredictable
frequencies and intensity throughout the spectrum of Temporality--
which is Time--and when we interlocute with a hot patch it
overloads the Temporal Drive, thus blowing the fuse. I can
replace the fuse as soon as it cools and we can go on."
That Doctor Peace! Wotta guy: noble, elegant and Smart Too.
Wish I was like him sometimes, but mostly I'm just laid back and
stoned a lot. Doctor Peace found me wandering around the 60's,
saved me from being drafted to 'Nam, and gave me a job working
with him, saving the universe, etc.
I stepped outside the TimeWhizzer to looksee around. Our Era
Indicator informed that we were Atwhen about 10,000 BC. I wasn't
sure where we were because there shouldn't have been any land
there at all, but there was an aswesomely huge city off on the
horizon, shrouded in smog. There was no vegetation anywhere, all
wiped out by pollution I guess, because that city looked really
grungy. Flying saucers were coming and going overhead, and there
was a consistent rumbling sound all the time.
I took a stroll in the direction of that city, just sort of out
of sight from noble good Doctor Peace, who doesn't really approve
of me getting stoned, puffing on a joint of superbo Paleozoic
I came upon a large rock quarry where workers were cutting huge
stone blocks out of the cliff. They were using laser beams
mounted on small flying saucers, then floating the blocks away
with antigravity harnesses--I guess. I mean, I never knew they
had stuff like that way back in the past.
Then all fucking hell broke loose. Of course, I was kind of
wiped out, so I wasn't really sure what was going on, but it was
a humongous earthquake. A natural catastrophe of the highest
caliber, really cool. Skyscrapers in that city were falling
over. I was glad I was just on a flat plain, even that was
rough, getting tossed around.
But that was just the start. Then I saw a wall of water coming
my way. I turned back toward the TimeWhizzer and saw that water
was coming from that way too, in fact the entire circle of the
horizon was closing in on us. Wow, man.
I just made it back to the TimeWhizzer in time to watch the tidal
wave flush the city away. We were parked on a hill, but it would
soon go underwater too, so we took off. Fortunately our spatial
drive is separate from the temporal drive.
Then the ocean just rushed in and all the land was simply gone.
The only thing remaining besides us, were thousands of those
stone blocks drifting southeast across the sky in a chain, no more
of which would be coming now.
"We have obviously just witnessed the sinking of Atlantis," Doctor
Peace explained, "and now I'm assuming that these blocks are on
autopilot, flying perhaps to Egypt. We'll follow them." That
Doctor Peace, he's so smart!
We followed, and sure enough, found them stacking up in a huge
construction site by a big river in northeast Africa. There were
thousands of workers there, we saw an official looking building.
We landed. I went over and asked what they were building (using
a voice-over auto-translator, of course).
The foreman of the Atlantean work crew was super bummed, having
just heard that his continent had sunk without a trace, y'know.
I sympathized and offered him a joint, which he appreciated--but
he was still feeling the blues.
"Now we'll never finish the Giant Cubes," he moaned, "which were
to be the symbolic epitome of Atlantean Culture--although now a
monument to Lost Atlantis. But we have only half enough blocks
to do the job, and our machinery will soon run down without
home technology to support them. Alas and woe!"
I counted the blocks.
"Hey," I said, "you may not have enough blocks for Giant Cubes,
but if you stack them this way it'll work out pretty neat anyway."
And I made a drawing in the sand.
