Adam into Babylon

by Ronald Russell Roach


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This is the long-awaited (maybe?) sequel to Adam out of Eden, which has been about ten years under way. I had no deadline, there was no hurry and I got stuck several times. I wrote other stuff in between periods of focusing on this project, played music, illustrated comics, traveled around Europe, had fun, etc. But here it is anyway.

These pages are the first public presentation of Adam Into Babylon. Even after much rewriting and spell-checking, there are probably still plenty of technical errors to be found, although I hope not. I would appreciate anyone alerting me to any dumb mistakes, inane illogicalities, or just-plain-stupid plot holes they find. But in the unlikely case that this document is more or less perfect, you're welcome to enjoy the story.

I don't yet know if there are more books to wring out of these characters, but I'm glad to be done with this one, for a while at least.
