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This 180-page "graphic novel" started out trying to be a short (8-page?) horror story. All I was really wanted to do was create the scariest monster I could think of: evil, ugly, disgusting, ruthless, unstoppable, malignant. Thus the name Malignan. I didn't have a clue about Ęthyr until I drew the "a Virgin?" page. After that the story wrote itself, I couldn't stop it.

AotC is an early work, written between May and December of 1981, just before I started doing the Prison Comix series. I was never quite satisfied with the artwork and thus have not published it anywhere before, so it's been hidden away in a box of drawings since then. But I still like the story and the characters, so I'm finally giving it a chance to entertain the masses. Some of whom will read any stupid thing offered them, even this!


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