3R Links / AQ Page


Just before AQ was published, Sirius Entertainment asked me for a short story to warm up an audience to the big trilogy about to go into print, so I wrote this 12-page teaser. It was published in "Crypt of Dawn 2" along with works by various new artists. This is a slightly different version, with original hand-written text and a flashy new color presentation.

This event takes place early in Tazio's life, he's about 11 years old here, at a point when things were going pretty good... well, except for his mother, of course.

navigate through the book by clicking on the pages or by using the Page Menu below

Pages 2 & 3
Pages 4 & 5
Pages 6 & 7
Pages 8 & 9
Pages 10 & 11
Pages 12 & ad

3R Links / Comix Page