There is no such place as Copenhagen, there never was, it's a myth from an old Danny Kaye film. København, on the other hand, does exist and is doing fine.

"Copenhagen" being an english name for the danish city, "København" being the proper danish name, the native name, the real name.

Let's get it right : København means "merchant's port" in Danish, and is pronounced
with glottal stops ('), of course. Wonderful language.

Copenhagen is a tourist town where life revolves around Tivoli, Nyhavn, the Little Mermaid, Danish Royal Porcelain, the Royal Palace, Rosenborg Castle, and Carlsberg Brewery.

København is where people go to work every day and life revolves around bicycles, kindergartens, hot-dog wagons, the grocery store, and Carlsberg Beer.

To get there you must first travel to a country called Danmark